Our Services

Web Development Process

Discovery and Consultation

Understanding Your Needs

We begin by understanding your project's requirements, target audience, and business goals through thorough consultations. This helps us align our website development strategy with your vision and objectives.

Planning and Strategy

Blueprint for Success

After understanding your needs, we create a detailed project plan, outlining scope, timelines, and deliverables. This includes website design services, functionality requirements, and specific features for your e-commerce website.

Design and Prototyping

Creating Visual Magic

Our design team creates wireframes and mockups for a user-friendly, visually appealing website that aligns with your brand. We present prototypes for feedback and make revisions to ensure the design meets your expectations.


Bringing Your Vision to Life

With the design approved, our development team builds your website using the latest technologies and best practices. Our services include coding, database management, and integrating necessary functionalities for custom web applications and e-commerce websites.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Ensuring Perfection

We thoroughly test your website for compatibility, speed, security, and responsiveness to ensure it works perfectly on all platforms and browsers. Our quality assurance team checks for bugs and errors to guarantee a high-quality user experience.


Going Live

Once tested and approved, we handle the technical deployment for a smooth website launch. Our team monitors everything to ensure your site goes live without any issues.


Continuous Improvement

Our support continues post-launch with ongoing maintenance, updates, and technical help. We also offer digital marketing services to boost traffic and achieve your business goals.

Contact Us

Ready to elevate your digital presence?
Contact Wiggly Web today to discuss your project and learn how we can help you achieve your business goals.

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